To the Millions Who Suffer from Life-Draining Back Pain,


Finally, One Extraordinary Physical Therapist Used His Own Back Pain Journey  
to Unlock the Keys to a Breakthrough Therapy...That Everyone Can Do!!!  
His Revolutionary Way to Treat Back Pain is Transforming Lives From Endless Pain 
to Lives of Freedom of Movement and Vitality. 





Fixes "Bad" habits 

causing strain to your
muscles and joints

Corrects muscle

length and weakness to
reinforce healthier habits

Uses unique taping techniques

developed by Rick to 
support your body until 
you have better control

Teaches neurological

to eliminate muscle tension

Offers Practitioner Solutions

your health practitioner can use to eliminate muscle or joint strain

Click Below to Read the Text from the Video


You’re watching me now because you have pain that other practitioners haven’t been able to solve. If you’re like most people, you’ve already heard lots of ideas, watched lots of videos, tried lots of different practitioners and spent lots of money. Yet you still have pain. Why?

My name is Rick Olderman and I’ve been a physical therapist for over 25 years. I asked the same question when I realized what I was taught in physical therapy school and continuing edcation courses, wasn’t working in the clinic. Why?

I won’t go into the years of angst and depression this caused me but the result over these last 25 years was I buckled down and figured it out for myself and created a pioneering ap-proach to solve pain. Turns out the secrets to pain come down to that very question. Why? Which you’ll learn when you purchase one of my programs.

In medicine, we’ve become really good at figuring out what tissue is irritated—we have all sorts of tests and scans for that. The problem is we have no test or scan that tells us why that tis-sue is hurting—that is the key to your success and that’s what I figured out these last 25 years. 

So if you have back pain and someone has told you it’s because of a disc problem, facet joint issue, or whatever, you have to ask yourself “Why do I have a disc problem or facet issue?” Once you figure that out, you’ll solve your pain.

Or if you have hip pain and have been told it’s because of arthritis, ask yourself “Why is that arhritis hurting?” After all there are plenty of people with arthritis who have no pain.

The same goes for headaches. You might’ve been told you have migraines. That may be true but why? I have the answers for you after 25 years of clinical trial, error, and reasoning through deeper issues others have either ignored or overlooked. I’ve made some amazing discoveries and I’m going to share those with you in my program. Solve the Why’s and you’ll solve your pain.

Makes sense. So much so, most people wonder why other practitioners don’t look at the body this way. I can’t answer that but my system is logical and powerful. My therapists think so too. I’ve trained them to understand the body in this new and exciting way and they have miracles every week as a result.

It’s easier and faster than you think because you will be fixing hidden root problems you weren’t aware you had. You won’t believe how effective it is to finally unlock your body and get it to work the way it was meant to.

Once you purchase my program, don’t skip any exercises because each one solves more than one problem. And I put them in the exact order they should be in to get the maximum benefit in the shortest time. In fact, I ask you to test your pain after just two sets of exercises on your very first day to see if your pain is reduced—that’s my expectation. Each program literally takes less than 30 minutes once you learn the exercises. It’s short and precise—I think you’ll love it.

But it goes beyond effective exercises, I include taping recommendations that help turn on key muscles and turn off painful ones. I also have tips for ergonomics, sleeping, walking and other habits to take strain off painful tissues and get the lazy ones to work better. I even have tips you can bring to your practitioner at home for them to try with you, to solve your pain.

Click below now to choose the program you want. Solve the Why’s behind your pain. I know you’ll be so happy you did! Thank you.


My name is Rick Olderman

In spite of all my credentials and years in healthcare, I’ve had chronic pain too. I won’t try to fool you into thinking I never have pain—that’s not realistic. After all I’m human and I use my body to move and exercise.

But if I do have pain, I know exactly why. And I know exactly what to do about it. You will too and I guarantee it’ll be easier than you think—even if you’ve been struggling for years.

What Can You Expect?

What Are the Benefits?

Here's What You'll get...

Simple Solutions

Each program has been honed by years of trial and error in Rick’s sports and orthopedic clinic. Rick will guide you through his ingenious simple exercises, with a specific sequence to obtain the maximum benefit and ensure you’re getting them right. There are no “fillers” wasting time and effort like most plans. Your program is streamlined to fix your specific problem. 

Fix Key Bad Habits

Bad habits work against you by straining muscles, ligaments and joints. But the flip side is that good habits can just as easily work for you to reverse damage. Discover how to fix the most common bad habits causing your muscle or joint strain.

Tape it Up!

Taping is a powerful intervention—just ask any Olympian or professional athlete. You’ll learn Rick’s taping secrets to unload joints and muscles. These are found no-where else and were developed by Rick through years of research and experimentation. Once your habits and weaknesses are fixed, gradually wean yourself from taping.

Hands-on Help

We all need a little hands-on help sometimes. But since Rick can’t be there to help you, he’s included treatment gems to guide your favorite practitioner. These secrets help Rick’s patients feel better and recover faster. Just bring the video to your practitioner to help them help you.

Testing 1, 2, 3…

How many programs do you know of where you’re expected to feel better immediately? Rick asks you to test your muscle stress at the beginning and end of every session and rate how much better you feel. This helps you see your progress and stay motivated!

No Hacking Zone

Everyone’s looking for a short cut, trick, device, hack or quick fix for their stress. But these rarely lead to permanent relief and almost always lead to disappointment—not to mention a bigger hole in your wallet. Rick’s program is based on 20+ years of hands-on research with thousands of patients. His unique approach is used in his clinic by all his therapists with amazing results every day. 

Here’s What People Are Saying…

What would you do with less muscle and joint strain and aches?

In addition to your program, you’ll
get these bonus downloads!

This special bonus is 100% free when you order today.
So choose your program and claim your bonus now.
Just in case you’re wondering…
I want you to be completely happy with my program or I will insist that we give you your money back. And you can keep the program and bonus just in case it helps you in the future!
I created this program because I have one belief…
Just about anyone can fix their muscle and joint strain if they are motivated to help themselves and have the right information.

I think I’ve covered the “right information” part of that.
Now the rest is up to you.
But don’t worry, I’ll be doing the exercises, taping and habit corrections with you. I’ve helped thousands of people and I’ll help you too.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

When you purchase my programs you are eligible for a 60-Day No Questions Asked Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee.

I've been a physical therapist for 25+ years and I believe so strongly in my approach that I’m willing to risk the full cost of producing these video and audio lessons for you to try them.

I wouldn’t have gone to these lengths if I didn’t believe you would be satisfied with your purchase. I want you to have your life back more than anything. My programs will help you heal, reduce, and possibly even completely eliminate your pain.

I'm confident that if you follow my program for 30 minutes per day over the next 30 days that you will see (and feel) significant improvement within that timeframe. If you're not satisfied, you'll get a full refund.

Download Your Program Now!
You’ll Be So Happy You Did!

Receive Instant Access to Download on Any of Your Devices


Fixing Your Back Pain Program
with two FREE bonuses


  STEP 1: Select Your Program - Back Pain


What If I’m Not in Good Shape?

Don’t worry just like in my clinic, I’ve modified key exercises for different bodies. I’ve created different levels or modifications so just about anyone can follow along. This is not a strenuous program, instead it’s a method to first reduce strain to your muscles and joints. Once reduced the second video will help you become stronger, but even this video is not strenuous. You can do it!

Can Older People Do This?

Absolutely! I’ve created the different levels and modifications to specifically allow older people to benefit. We help older patients in the clinic all the time so I understand what modifications are necessary for you to get started.

Will This Take a Lot of My Time?

I’m a father and husband of a family of four with my own clinic to run so I know what it means not to have personal time. I’ve given a lot of thought and consideration to each exercise to make sure you’re getting the most out of it. That way I can keep your program streamlined. The exercise portion of this program will take 20-30 minutes. I recommend doing the program in the morning before your day begins. I think you’ll get even faster results if you can fit in a second session before you go to bed but that’s up to you.

The habits part of this program takes no additional time out of your day. You’ll learn which habits are likely contributing to your muscle tension and strain and you’ll correct them throughout the day. This is perhaps the most powerful aspect of my program.

What If it Doesn’t Help?

I think this is unlikely because of my decades of experience treating injuries from head to toe and the success of my books, but as I mentioned before I will refund 100% of your payment for a full 60 days after your purchase. I don’t want your money if I can’t help you.

In my experience, people with chronic stress and muscle tension have spent so much money chasing empty promises, I don’t want to be another disappointment in your life. There will be no hassles, no questions asked if you ask for a refund.

Why Will Your Program Work While Others Have Failed?

This is a great question and without going into tedious detail in most cases, traditional treatment methods do not have the depth of understanding about how different parts of the body affect each other to create or fix stress/muscle tension. Because of this, most treatments focus only on a small part of the body nearest your pain. But the connections in our bodies range farther than that. It’s taken me years to develop a treatment approach that works on fixing all of you, not just parts of you. My approach fixes your whole body and corrects unconscious habits that reinforce recurring pain.  Permanently fixing your movement habits that are stressing your body is the key.  That’s what I do differently and that’s why my approach is so successful. No-one else has dedicated years to understanding whole body and the cause and effect of each movement deeply has I have. This is the only program of its kind.

Are My Credit and Other Information Safe?

Yes, our system is 100% secure. I get just as nervous as you when I purchase something online from a new site. That’s why I’ve taken pains to make sure we’re using a 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal information are electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a Top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted by over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries.

Who is ClickBank?

Clickbank is a global platform where product creators can share their information with millions of customers on a 100% secure network. Only after being approved through a strict authorization process and showing evidence on all written claims can a product creator sell their program using this platform. Clickbank’s rigorous approval process ensures only high quality products and valid information is given to all customers.

Will I Be Billed Multiple Times?

Absolutely not. This is a one-time secure payment and you’ll be an owner of the program forever. Nothing irritates me more than when I find someone has billed me repeatedly when I was unaware. Again I’ve made sure this will not happen. You pay once and you’re done.

 PS. Feeling Pain-Free is Priceless.

Don't let the frustrations of the past with hold you back from trying my revolutionary system. My program costs less than a tank of gas. Let that sink in - LESS THAN A TANK OF GAS and you can 
start feeling better! 

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose - except for feeling defeated, frustrated and in pain. 

Take action now! Invest in yourself and your well-being one more time! 

I’ve devoted more than 20 years, as sought after physical therapist to understanding why muscle tension happens and how to solve it.  This isn't just another program.

It's my life's work dedicated to helping people, exactly like you, relieve their pain. 

I’m staking my reputation it. I know that once you get started you'll not only fix your muscle or joint aches or strains now, but you’ll know exactly what do keep your body in healthy movement, pain-free for the rest of your life! 

I wish you great success!

RIck Olderman, MSPT, CPT
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